STEM Resources

Teacher Robin Harley on the Tech Curriculum
As the Oxford technology teacher, I co-teach with the classroom teacher once a week during computer time for all second and third-grade students.
During this time, every student has their own Chromebook. I lead lessons in online safety and ethics (digital citizenship), computer programming (coding), Google Maps, and online research.
Students also get the opportunity to do independent online math and typing lessons that adjust and keep track of their level and progress. Since the teacher is in the classroom while I am there, we also use the independent student work time to check in and teach individual and small groups of students.
Third grade students learn to:
Sign on to their own Google account
Start to use the Google Apps for Education programs to write papers and make presentations
Each fourth and fifth grade teacher now has their own dedicated classroom set of Chromebooks. Students use the Chromebooks for online non-fiction current event reading (Newsela); for videos, maps and research for social studies; and for differentiated math programs (like Front Row, computer programming, Desmos). Students also use the computers for writing, collaboration and presentations. In the upper grades, the Chromebooks are an educational tool that supports all areas of the curriculum. Each teacher and classroom is different, so I support each teacher differently in their process of building a culture of problem solving, persistence, and peer collaboration in their students with appropriate use of technology.
Fourth and fifth grade students learn to:
Be safe, respectful and responsible when online through 3 Digital Citizenship Lessons
Use Google Drive and Google Classroom to share and organize their work
Type one page in a single sitting (15-20 wpm) and develop Keyboarding skills
Format and edit in order to peer edit, respond to comments, and publish writing using Google Docs
Research using online library resources
Organize thinking and make presentations using Google Slides
Engage in online collaboration through peer comments in Google Docs and Slides
Use online graphing calculator and differentiated math programs
Links to loads of STEM activities for kids and materials for parents below!
Living in a Digital World
As our technology use grows in school, so does our responsibility to help students be thoughtful and safe online. Throughout the year, Robin, the classroom teachers, and librarian Karen Sasamoto will have conversations with students to discuss these expectations and support their growth as digital citizens.
Support a Safe and Balanced use of Technology at Home
Find balance. Encourage time away from phones and computers. Help your kids to use free time which includes things they have to do and things they like to do.
Set clear limits. Consider having an “easy-on/easy-off” rule: your child needs to be able to turn off a device as easily as it is turned on, i.e., without an argument.
Walk the walk. Be a role model. Keep mobile devices away during mealtimes, and during conversations (and of course when driving).
Create tech-free zones and times. Establish your family rules, such as “no devices during meals”, “all screens off before bedtime” or “use devices in a public space (living room, kitchen).”
Talk about it. Make an effort to occasionally sit with your child when they have screentime. Ask questions about their favorite games, shows, and characters. Share your media values.
Put parental controls in place on devices. For the web, see Common Sense Media’s “Easy, Free Browser Hacks to Make the Internet Safer for Your Kid.”
Discuss and sign a Family Media Agreement from Common Sense Media with your family.
Tools for Digital Life (from Common Sense Media)
Parent Concerns section
Oodles of videos, FAQs and advice on screen time, choosing apps and websites, cyberbullying, cell phones and more, including: Making Kids Ad Savvy | 5 Steps to a Healthy Media Diet
Family Toolbox section
Activities, family agreements, media logs and more for parents and kids to use together, including: Family Media Agreement
Family Tip Sheets section
Digital Life | Online Security | Smart Searching
Privacy and Digital Footprints | Talking Safely Online
Evaluating Websites | Boys, Girls, and Media Messages
Cyberbullying | Respecting Creative Work
STEM Activities for Kids
Oxford’s Library Portal​
Includes a Research portal with World Book Encyclopedia/Enciclopedia Estudiantil and other tools, our Library Catalog, our Class Projects portal, Google Classroom, Games and much, much more!
Explore Activities — instructions for at-home experiments from the Exploratorium
Do Science — kits, toys, games, community resources and more from the Lawrence Hall of Science
Explore Science — a window into the scientific collections of Cal Academy of Science
nature trips | hiking | biking | exploring | cooking
Typing Club — from Berkeley Unified School District | LightBot | Kodable (app only) | Tynker
Cool Mom Tech: 3 Best Online Engineering Resources for Kids
build a treehouse | take something apart | sew
Sites to which Oxford Students have Subscriber Access
Front Row (instead of SplashMath for 3rd & 4th graders) — ask your technology or classroom teacher for your student user ID and password (we are in the process of deciding whether or not to continue this subscription for 2nd graders) — ask your technology or classroom teacher for your student user ID and password
ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces) — the school uses this program after school for identified 5th grade students who need more math support; if your child is part of this program, contact Lauren Morrison for student login and password.
Other Sites
Arcademics | Dream Box
Khan Academy — mostly math, mapped to the Common Core
Dragon Box | Motion Math | Operation Math
Chocolate Fix | Qwirkle | Rush Hour | Set
Battleship | Blokus | Checkers | Chess | Dominoes
Mancala/Kalah | Mastermind | Spot It | Yahtzee
building blocks | puzzles | card games | dice games | money
Puzzle books
Mousematics | Family Math (in English and Spanish, by Lawrence Hall of Science)
KenKen | logic puzzles | mazes | origami | sudoku
Immigrant Family Resources | Recursos Familiares de Inmigrantes
BUSD’s Resource Page for Immigrant Families | Página de recursos de BUSD para familias inmigrantes
Immigrant Rights Under Trump | Derechos de los inmigrantes bajo Trump
What Immigrants Can Expect and Do Now | Lo que los inmigrantes pueden esperar y hacer ahora
Local Immigrants Rights Organizations (Organizaciones locales para los derechos de los inmigrantes)
Berkeley Public Schools
Berkeley Unified School District website
BUSD Departments | Phone Directory | eNews
K–12 Calendar 2016–17 | Lunch Menu Calendar 2016–17
Meals and Nutrition Info — Add to your child’s lunch money account
Attendance FAQ | Family Guides To Report Cards
Parent-Student Handbook 2016–17 | PDF version
BUSD School Board | Board Members
Board Meeting Dates & Materials | Meetings Video Stream
Berkeley Public Schools Fund | Become A Berkeley Schools Volunteer
Curriculum Info
Common Core State Standards Initiative
BUSD Common Core Math Resource Page and a 2014 presentation
Math at Home ~ Matemáticas en la Casa
Parent Resources
MindShift: Three Tips to Focus Parent-Teacher Conferences On Creating a Partnership
Berkeley Parents Network: Advice
New York Public Library’s Best of the Web: Parenting Sites
Parent and Teacher Advocacy
BALSA: Berkeley Advanced Learner Support and Advocacy Community
Zinn Education Project: Teaching #BlackLivesMatter
Teaching Tolerance: “Teaching About Race, Racism and Police Violence”
Rethinking Schools: “Building the School-to-Justice Pipeline”
Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA) practice tests
California Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Data | California API Test Data
Local Interest
Berkeley Public Library
Discover & Go — Free passes from the library to Bay Area museums, zoos, etc.
The Lawrence Hall of Science — Free admission for 4 with EBT card & photo id!
California Academy of Science | Exploratorium
Tilden Regional Park | Oakland Zoo
Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Tidepools at Moss Beach
Berkeley Parents Network: Activities & Places to Go
City of Berkeley