From The Oxford News
We had a great first week of school! Thanks to everyone who made that possible, staff and families. There are many important announcements in this newsletter, so I’ll keep it brief. One request, please write your child’s name in his/her clothes and belongings. With your help, hopefully we can keep the Lost & Found from overflowing this year. Thank you!
Staffing Updates
One thing I have learned to be in this job is to be ready for anything. Sometimes things change last minute, and here is an example: Jarrett Sanders will be our P.E. teacher again this year. Mr. Valentino decided to take a leave of absence and so we are fortunate that Jarrett was ready to step back into the position. Welcome back, Jarrett!
I would like to introduce and welcome our new 4th & 5th grade science teacher, Kristin Gornick. Kristin comes to us from Sonoma County with a strong background in and passion for curriculum development and instruction. Kristin was a principal in an elementary school in Sonoma, as well as an assistant principal in a middle school in southern California, so she comes with a strong educational background. Kristin will be at Oxford on Mondays, Tuesday mornings, and Thursday afternoons. (She will be at John Muir and Jefferson on the other days/times.)
All Families: Please Complete the Free/Reduced Meal Form
We are asking every family to complete an application for free/reduced price school meals. Even if your student does not intend to take advantage of the lunch program, every qualified application is counted towards bringing significant federal (Title I) and state (LCFF/LCAP) funding to our schools!
Please complete the application online at as soon as possible. Online applications are processed in just 24 hours, while paper applications may take up to 10 days. You can find more information about the nutrition service program, including menus and important links, on the BUSD Nutrition Services web page.
Did Your Child Read Over the Summer?
A “Summer Reading Log” went home with your child at the end of last school year. If your child(ren) completed it, have them turn it in this week, and they will be invited to a special “Summer Reader” pizza lunch.