Faculty & Staff Directory

A Note About
Communication with Staff
Every child will have a Thursday folder containing a school newsletter and other important information. The folder goes home on Thursdays and comes back to school on Fridays. If you want to talk to your child’s teacher, send them an email, leave a message in the office, or put a note in the Thursday folder. Some teachers don’t mind pop-ins, but please be aware that the before-school time is sacred for preparing for the day—each teacher will explain to parents their own policy on how best to get in touch.
All Berkeley Unified School District email addresses use the format firstlast@berkeley.net.
Classroom Teachers
Subject Area Educators
Physical Education (P.E.): Kelley Shwartz ("Coach K")
Art: Anna Rainer (A206)
Music: Nancy Boyles, Roland Brown,
Jan Davis, Eric Wood, Karen Wells (roaming)
Science for 1st – 5th Grade: Elisa Litsky (A206)
Math Coach/Teacher: David Pistrang
Gardening: Sarah Winer
Dance: Sequoia Rodriquez (Instructional Specialist-African Dance)
Librarian: Karen Sasamoto (Library)
Literacy Coach/Response to Intervention (RTI) Teacher: Nicole Mitchell (A201)
Special Education
English Language Development (ELD) and Reading Intervention: Dianne Snyder (A201)
Full Inclusion: Andrea Hosmer (E104)
Resource Specialist: Zora Raskin (A201)
Resource Specialist Program
Special Education Instructional Aides: Stephanie Dorsey, Semhar Habtemichael, Sylvia Robinson, Ghidey Welday, Austin Pitts, Grace Martinez, Jumeica Boles
Other Departments
After School Program
Director: Aaron Grayson III
Staff: Ananda Richmon (Art Teacher), Sequoia Rodriguez (Instructional Tech), Gabriel Garcia, Harmine Kaur, Karina Wiedlin, Karreimah Sanders, Jesus Hernandez
School Psychologist: Jen Porter
Speech: Jakob Holman
Counselor: Robin Olip-Booth, Kelly Burkett
Family Engagement and Equity Specialist: Erika Hawkins
Occupational Therapist: Ashley Hunsberger, Jessica Fiedler
Support Services
Food Service: Mary Fung
Lead Day Custodian: Rodney Hill
Evening Custodian: Walter Kirby
Recess Supervisor: Kelley Schwartz
Yard Duty: Ms. Ashley, Danny Ontiveros, Miles Jones
Lunch Supervisor: Ananda Richmond