Highlights from this week’s newsletter include…
Strong Women in the Library
The Emmy Orth/Strong Women of the World contest may be over, but it’s never too early to begin thinking about next year’s project. The PTA has generously purchased a few new books for the Oxford Library and the Strong Women of the World collection. The books will be on a special display in the Library. Learn about remarkable women (and girls!) who have made their mark.
Let’s play Scranimals!
Ask your kid if he/she knows what Scranimals are. Here’s a hint: it’s something that all kids have done with Ms Anna. Now you can play at home. Connect the beginnings and ends of these animal names to make up some hybrid creatures…
gir fly mingo
mon garoo opus
sna con dillo
For extra credit draw a picture of the hybrid animal and show to Ms. Anna and maybe it will be published in an upcoming newsletter.
Announcing the Student Council’s Book Exchange!
The Oxford Book Exchange is a project chosen and organized by our Student Council to help make Oxford an even better place to learn! Here’s how it works. Each morning from May 4th to May 13th Student Council members are visiting each classroom to collect books donated by students.. Books need to be in good condition. Children can bring books appropriate for any age, from kindergarten through 5th grade, and we especially need chapter books. May 14th is Book Exchange Day! If a child donates 1 book, that child will be able to take 1 book. If a child brings 2, he or she can take 2. If 3 are donated, 3 can be taken. If a child generously donates more than 3 books, that child can take 3, but no more. Why? The next day, on May 15th, all books not selected on Book Exchange Day, will be available for all children at Oxford to take. Please help your child find books at home to donate to the exchange.
Coins for Nepal in Room 22
On Saturday April 25th a 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal. More than 7,000 people died and over 14,000 are injured. Many people are homeless. Nepal needs our help. Room 22 is doing a coin drive to help the people of Nepal. Bills are fine too. Please bring your donations to Room 22. The funds will be sent via Mercy Corps (87% reaches people in need) which is working directly in Nepal. Thank you for your support… Ms. Omania and her students
Help Wanted for 2015/16 School Year
Treasurer – Job duties include tracking income and expenses, processing payments and reporting.
Room Parent Coordinator – Acting as a liaison between the Principal, the PTA and the room parents. Help organize classroom-based events such as Harvest Fair, Winter Fair and Coffee with the Principal
Scrip Card Coordinator – Helping sell a small selection of pre-purchased cards and helping folks gain their own immediate access to eGift cards.
Grant Writers – We are hoping to cover the gap in our budget with grants. We need folks who are interested in either researching or writing grants.
Hospitality Coordinator – Job duties include helping to coordinate the food at our various events.
PTA/SGC Liason: Position would act as a liason, sharing info, concerns and questions to both groups
Interested? Email Sabrina at sabrinaleunig@gmail.com
One Sweet Deal: Eat Frozen Yogurt and Support Oxford
Yoloberry, a frozen yogurt shop located at 2114 Shattuck Avenue, will host a fundraiser for Oxford on Saturday, May 16th from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Oxford will receive 50% of the profits from people who mention Oxford when they purchase their yogurt. Tell your friends and family!