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School Tour Guides Still Needed

We need volunteer tour guides to lead school tours for prospective K/new families from 8:30 to 9:30 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from November to January—sign up now!

You don’t have to be an expert on all things Oxford, just willing to lead a group, talk a little and maneuver through the school. At 9:30 am, I meet with the tour group and answer questions and share information. This is a great time to tell people all that you love about Oxford!

If you can stay until 10:00 am, you could join the Q&A that I hold with the group. Sometimes questions come up that tour guides like to answer. The Q&A sessions are usually in the library or the cafeteria. I’ll provide a school map for tour guides, as well as brochures to distribute to visitors.

~Beth Rhine, Principal

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