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PTA & Fundraising Updates

From our PTA President

New PTA Officers Needed

With the 2015 quickly approaching, we hope to find volunteers participate more closely with some of the PTA decisions. This will help there to be an easier transition for all when those folks take over in June: President, Vice President and Treasurer. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these roles, please email the PTA and one of us will be happy to fill you in.

Winter Fair in January

The Winter Fair will take place at the on January 30th, from 6 to 8 pm—more details and new classroom project ideas soon.

Hand in Spellathon $

In the meantime, don’t forget to send in any Spellathon pledges still sitting on your counters. The final dollar amount raised will be announced next week!

~ Sabrina Leunig

Yes! Grants awarded to Oxford!

Oxford has recently been awarded a number of small grants. We received 12 different Berkeley Public Schools Fund mini-grants, for a total of $ 7,654. These mini-grants will fund classroom-based enrichment programs such as folk dancing, chess, reading, science and gardening.

Ms. Sasamoto, our school librarian, is receiving a grant for “Superheroes and Super Readers!” Can’t wait to see what that involves! Big thanks to the team of parents who wrote some of the grant requests, and to the teachers who had the ideas and the initiative. It takes a village.

Ms. Sheppard Wants Your Help and Soft Spaces

A 2nd grade class needs a new rug for active and quiet time together. To get it, Ms. Sheppard has a page—$165 has already been raised by 5 donors! Another $493 to go!

Click on the link above to make this rug a reality. Some 2nd grade bottoms will appreciate your help.

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