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PTA-funded Staff to Present at 10/15 Mtg

10/15 Meeting Agenda & Logistics

PE, Art and Technology are all programs funded by the PTA for about $65,000, and our school would not be the same with out these essential teachers. Please join us next Wednesday, October 15th, to hear from Jaret, Anna and Robin, as they will expand on their goals and curriculum for the year. We will also have our new Family Engagement Coordinator, Carol Perez, discuss her role at our school.

Dinner is at 6:00 pm, the meeting is from 6:30–7:30 pm. Please bring a dish to share if you can. Childcare provided. Everyone is welcome to attend!

PTA Dues & T-Shirts

We have almost reached our goal of 100 PTA members. If you have not done so already, please go to the Join the PTA web page to sign up. If you have recently turned in your form and are still waiting for a shirt, we will have shirts at the Harvest Fair and will check your name off a list to receive your shirt(s).


Want to get involved in PTA volunteering but don’t know what is the best fit for you? Email me and we will find a good match.

Thanks, Sabrina (PTA President)

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