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Oxford gets 50% of Chinook Book Sales!

Just a reminder to pick up a

Chinook Book, App or Combo Pack Now. Oxford receives 50% of all Chinook sales—Ka-ching!

The App is now valid 12 months from the day you activate the app, and the Combo pack (coupon book + app) is an incredible deal for only $25.

Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Chinook Book Combo Pack

  1. Combo packs raise more money for our school.

  2. A majority of Chinook Book offers are in both products, so you can use your favorites offers two times!

  3. It’s double the value for only $5 more.

  4. Your bonus product is a great $5 gift—surprise someone!

  5. Combo packs guarantee access to every single offer, because each product includes a small selection of fabulous unique offers.

  6. Paper coupons are a fun poker night alternative—especially if you also have a set of offers securely on your phone.

  7. Mobile coupons are always with you, so you never miss an opportunity to save and the print coupons fit perfectly in your wallet.

  8. With strategic planning a print and mobile combo pack can provide many more months of active coupon access.

  9. Capitol Corridor’s super valuable free companion ticket offer is only in the book and seasonal specials are added to the mobile pack every two months.

  10. Redeeming lots of Chinook Book offers = A healthy, sustainable life!

Email Colleen to get your book or app today!

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