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Learn More About the SGC on 9/10 @ 6 pm

Introductory SGC Meeting on Wednesday in Rm 9!

NOTE: the nomination form that was sent home has the wrong meeting date. Download the corrected form. Please consider nominating yourself for the SGC election.

Our goal is for the membership of the School Governance Council to represent our diverse student body so that all voices are heard. You can have a direct impact on your child’s education. Join the dynamic group of parents, teachers & staff on the School Governance Council, working to meet the learning needs of ALL students, improve school climate, and forge a strong School-Home Connection. The SGC writes our annual School Site Plan and determines funding priorities for Oxford.

It’s a two-year term and four parent/guardian positions are open on the council. The deadline for nominations is Monday, September 15th. Oxford parents and guardians will then vote to select the parent members of the SGC. Even if you are not selected to serve, all meetings are open to the public. The first official meeting with the 2014–15 Committee will be in October.

Contact Beth Rhine in the school office or email SGC Chair Anya Hurwitz at if you have questions.

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