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Kindergarten Info (2014–15)

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to Oxford School! We are looking forward to a wonderful year with you and your children. We hope to see you for our New Family Lemonade Social on Monday, August 25 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on the school playground. This event is an opportunity for the children to play while you meet other kindergarten and new families. The kindergarten teachers, Mary Lewis and Kate Cohen, will be there to answer questions and meet the students. (Please note, this is a date change from an earlier notification.)

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 27th and instruction begins at 8:00 am. Please meet the teachers on the upper playground in the morning. The PTA will be hosting a coffee on the playground right after school starts. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to meet other families and hear a little more about Oxford School.

Creating a challenging yet supportive learning environment for all of our students is an important task that our kindergarten teachers begin immediately. In kindergarten, we use a process called Balanced Beginnings that allows teachers to get to know each kindergarten student before making up the classes. The primary goal of Balanced Beginnings is to ensure that the classes are balanced to meet the needs of all students. Balanced Beginnings occurs during the first three days of school. Your child will be assigned to a particular color group (blue or red) and will rotate with the same group of students, getting to know the teachers. We also administer some preliminary assessments, to find out what your children already know and are able to do. The color group lists will be posted on the breezeway windows (between the office and the cafeteria) and on the playground on Monday, August 25th by 5:00 pm, in time for the New Families Lemonade. It is important that you make it clear to your child that his/her first day teacher is not necessarily the teacher to whom s/he will be assigned.

At the end of the three “Balanced Beginnings” days, the teachers and I will create class rosters, which we will post on Friday afternoon, August 29, by 5:00 pm, on the upper playground, on the breezeway doors and on this website.

Your child’s kindergarten year will be a time of exciting academic, social, and emotional growth. Thank you for your support. We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!

—Beth Rhine, Principal

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