On an exciting note, the PTA has received a larger than expected amount of 23/24 roll over funds from the Berkeley Unified School District. This extra funding is due to multiple sources. Previously, Oxford funded our art teacher through the PTA. However, California now has Prop 28 which provides extra arts funding. As a result, we were refunded the salary that was donated in 2023-2024. Additionally, we fundraised for a Noon Supervisor position that could not be filled. That money was also returned. Finally, BUSD implemented a new practice of refunding all PTA money at the end each fiscal year. Our refund includes the surplus from multiple years, thus creating the exciting opportunity that we have now! On a less exciting note, we want our community to know that we are anticipating the loss of Title I funding, an income based program. While we will not know for sure until 2025, the loss would impact our state funding for next year.
With a commitment to transparency and with the goal to increase engagement with Oxford families, we created a quick survey to collect ideas on how to spend the rollover funds. Complete the survey by Monday, November 11.
These one time roll over funds offer us an opportunity to fund a project or projects that we otherwise couldn't. In addition to this survey, our in person PTA Family Community Meeting on Nov. 12 will offer another venue for the community to discuss this issue.
How we handle these funds will ultimately be voted on at a future date. To vote at PTA meetings, you must be a registered member of the Oxford PTA. Sign up here and submit dues using one of the options at the bottom of the signup form. We accept dues on a sliding scale. No one will be denied membership due to a lack of funds. Members are expected to commit to attending PTA meetings (as best they can) as there are times we need quorum in order to conduct certain PTA matters and votes. Unless otherwise noted, PTA Family Community Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Sometimes they are in person (like November) and other times (like December) they are on Zoom.
Oxford Elementary School is committed to supporting a safe learning environment, building a strong community, and meeting each child’s needs - and the Oxford PTA's mission is to help support the school to achieve these goals. You can see the 2024-2025 PTA budget that was voted on at our September PTA Family Community Meeting here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pT-uUpRU9CaqRhLS5B3hz47LPn2Ffr1P/view?usp=sharing A pie chart showing the breakdown of funding is here: https://www.oxfordelementary.org/ptabudget.
It is important to note, we utilized previous excess funds to lower this year's fundraising goal to $110,000 despite having a nearly $150,000 2024-2025 PTA budget.
