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Help the Holiday Meal Project Happen on 12/16

Holiday food baskets for ~20 Oxford families

It’s that time again! The annual Oxford Holiday Meal Project provides festive, fresh, and nutritious food for as many as 20 Oxford families who might otherwise not enjoy a nice holiday dinner. Each year we provide each family with a basket filled with a Safeway or Berkeley Bowl gift card and various food items donated by local merchants.

This is where your family comes in! Last year, we raised over $2,000. This year our fundraising goal is $2,500. There are two ways to help; we hope you will consider doing both:

1. Donate! There are two ways:

  1. Paypal: Go to the Donate page and click on the yellow Donate button. Please note in the space provided that you are donating to the Holiday Meal Project.

  2. Send a monetary donation to school: There will be an envelope in this Thursday’s folder, or you may drop it off in the donation box located in the front office. If you are paying by check, please make it out to “Oxford PTA” and note that the donation is for the Holiday Meal Project.

2. Get Cooking!

Volunteer to bake a dessert/treat to be delivered with the gift card baskets. You can bake anything that makes the season feel festive for you. Feel free to dress up the packaging or include a holiday card. Note: we will be assembling the baskets on Dec. 16, so please plan on bringing your treat to school that morning. Sign up online to participate, or fill out the sheet in your Thursday folder.

Q: When do I have to bring in my baked good? A: On Thursday, December 15 or by 8:00 am on Friday, December 16. I will be out on Oxford street on Friday to collect items from people who aren’t planning on parking.

Q: What should I bake? A: Anything your family loves! Just nothing that needs refrigeration, please. And it will be placed in a grocery bag (at the top to avoid getting crushed), so perhaps nothing that will be horribly damaged if it is at an angle.

Q: How should I package it? A: You can package it any way that best suits the baked good. But please package it yourself. A paper plate and secure plastic wrap is fine, as is a box, bag, etc. I won’t have supplies to do it for you. Also, it is especially great if you can make the packaging festive in some way—ribbon, cheery paper/plastic wrap/box, a holiday card. But don’t worry if you can’t; just the fact that you are baking is helpful enough!

Q: How much should I make? A: Enough for one family. That said, if you plan on making more, that’s great, too! We can always use the extras in our baskets as extra treats.

Q: Should I include an ingredient list? A: YES! Please! That way we can avoid having a problem with food allergies.

Questions? Email Alexandra Ballard. Thanks, everybody!

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