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Chess Classes at Oxford in the Fall

Chess Set by Alan Light

photo: Alan Light

In the fall, chess lessons for Oxford students grades K to 5 will be available through the Berkeley Chess School and LEARNS After School Program at Oxford. The classes are available to children both in the after school program, and to all children in the Oxford student body.

Classes are Mondays from 2:30–3:30, and 3:30–4:30 at Oxford. For students not signed up with the after school program, the price per class will be $10, and the students must sign up for a course of sessions. For children enrolled in the after school program, all fees will be included in their tuition. Classes will be divided into girls and boys separately to create a safe place for girls to cultivate an interest in chess which has been a traditionally male-dominated sport. The Berkeley Chess School will be providing the teachers and curriculum.

To sign up: Email Aaron Grayson, and you may also direct questions to Kendra Dodsworth.

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