Oct 17StaffGet ready for the 30-Day Kindness ChallengeSee a short video about kindness shared with our students and find out how you can help make Oxford a safe and welcoming space for all.
Oct 1PoliciesQ&A: Why is the gate being closed and locked at 8?Principal Beth Cornwell answers a question from parents about the reasons why school gates close promptly at 8 a.m.
Sep 18StaffPrincipal's note on collaboration and equity"This year, we are focused on achieving academic excellence through a lens of collaboration and equity. We are definitely on track!"
Sep 4StaffPrincipal's message on safety for students, familiesSupport safety at school by practicing safe driving at drop off and pick up, and join the safety team to look at creating a rolling pick up.
Aug 22Staff"So many ways to be a part of our community"Principal Cornwell recaps the first week of school and encourages all families to get involved in the classroom or with the PTA.